Inside the minds of changemakers. Meet Kate - Menopause revolutionary.

Meet Kate Rowe-Ham, Founder of Owning Your Menopause app and author of ‘Owning your menopause: Fitter, Calmer & Stronger in 30 days.

Kate is passionate about educating women on how to exercise and nourish their bodies during menopause

She educates women on the benefits of movement and diet, so they can see how these go

hand in hand in playing a fundamental role in managing many of the symptoms associated with


In one sentence, tell us why you started…

I didn’t want to see other women suffer like I had, and I wanted to ensure that my daughter and future generations felt supported and aware of this life stage.

How did you find the confidence to start…

I think my confidence grew as I saw the need for what I wanted to create. That gave me the confidence to know that Owning Your Menopause would help support and empower women.

What’s been the moment in your business you’re most grateful for?

I can’t pinpoint one particular moment, but the numerous messages I get from women whose lives have changed for the better due to now being able to manage the debilitating symptoms they had been experiencing, fills my heart and I feel very grateful and privileged to be in this position.

What’s your daily non-negotiable that you do to tend to your mindset?

I try to move every single day.

What does confidence mean to you?

I think confidence means showing up as your authentic self without fear.

What everyday item brings you joy?

My dumbbells.

Who’s your everyday hero?

My youngest son, who suffers from a rare genetic lung condition called PCD, because he has to face enormous challenges daily but is always happy, smiley and brave.

What’s your go-to mantra for when you have to do something difficult?

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

What’s your favourite Clementine session and why?

The daily affirmations for inspiration

Lastly, do you have a mantra, affirmation or special word that you use when you are feeling like you need a bit of guidance?

Good morning, it’s a new day, a new week, a new month, a new chapter. And you’re one step closer to so much that was lost. Pat yourself on the back my friend. You have done well. (Donna Ashworth)

You can follow Kate over on her instagram account here. I love her daily posts about all things menopause. Her realness of the struggles at this time really connect with me and I love her down to earth vibe.

And check out her brand spanking new book ‘owning your menopause - fitter, calmer, stronger in 30 days’. It’s released on Dec 28th but you can pre-order it now.


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