From Stuck to Flourishing

Hi all, it’s Kim Palmer here the founder of Clementine. I was thinking about how not everyone in our community might know the story of how I started Clementine. It’s kind of important as it really helps to set the tone for our mission. It helps to highlight how some of the key resources we have built can help you too. And I mean genuinely help you. And you might be wondering why I put that crazy photo here. Well for me it’s a really good sign of flourishing. It’s me being silly and not giving two hoots about it. Anyway here goes…

Since as far back as I can remember, there has been a relentless inner dialogue in my mind, constantly questioning my abilities and worth. Each opportunity for growth seemed overshadowed by doubt and hesitation, trapping me in a cycle of negativity that stifled my dreams and aspirations. It wasn't just a passing thought; it was a pervasive mindset that colored every aspect of my life.

I vividly recall moments where I hesitated to pursue opportunities that could have propelled my career forward. "You should go for that job," I'd tell myself, "but the thought of presenting is terrifying. Maybe it's better to pass." Similarly, when faced with the chance to showcase my expertise at a conference, I'd second-guess myself, fearing the vulnerability of putting myself out there.

Even the idea of starting my own business was clouded by self-doubt. "Do you have a good enough idea?" I'd wonder, convinced that my creativity paled in comparison to others. The achievements I did manage to attain were swiftly downplayed in my mind as if minimizing my success would shield me from the perceived judgment of others.

These negative thought patterns extended beyond my professional life, infiltrating my self-image and interactions with others. Compliments were met with self-deprecation, as I struggled to accept praise or acknowledge my own worth. Despite external validation, I perpetually felt like I was falling short of some unattainable standard. It was a no-win game.

Reflecting on these experiences, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. For too long, I lived in a perpetual state of striving, always chasing an elusive sense of "better." But it wasn't until I hit a personal low during my pregnancy with our son Louis that I realized something had to change.

The first panic attack I experienced triggered a full-blown breakdown. I spiraled quickly out of control. Experiencing panic attacks daily. I lived in a dark cave for a few years as I lost my voice, and my confidence, and panic attacks took over my life. My world became small. I felt small. I needed help.

Enter hypnotherapy—a seemingly unconventional yet profoundly transformative tool that would become my lifeline. Through the guidance of Georgia Foster (the first voice behind Clementine) and the practice of hypnotherapy, I unearthed newfound resilience, new ways to find calm, and amazingly ways to shut out the expectations from the world around me and retune back into what it was that I wanted. It wasn't only about managing anxiety; it was also about reclaiming my sense of self-worth.

It took me a couple of years of recovery to really sink into being me..again. And being ok with being me and not someone else. I then invested in furthering my personal growth by working with a coach and it was during this process that I realised that I had built a life around a career that ultimately did not make me happy. In fact, it was unhealthy. And so I decided it was time for a change and thus, Clementine was born—a platform designed to provide solace, confidence, and encouragement to women navigating their own sometimes messy lives. I’ve massively over-simplified this part of the journey. It took me a couple of years to transition away from my career to working full-time on Clementine. But it was a conscious decision to rebuild a life on my terms.

Clementine was never just meant to be an app; it's a beacon of hope for anyone who, like me, has grappled with self-doubt and insecurity. Through affirmations, hypnotherapy, and empowering resources, Clementine empowers people to embrace self-care, shut out the noise from the world that says they aren’t enough, and help to rebuild their self-worth so that they can pursue their dreams unapologetically.

I’m living proof that you can be who you want to be, unashamedly and you can dream and live those dreams, even in the face of obstacles. Yes, it’s taken a lot of hard work too. The key was just to get started and once you start well who knows what will come next? But this is part of why it feels so good. I can look back and see the progress. And I just know that all of you can do it too. You can.

I wasn’t quite sure how to end this but I wanted to make sure you were fully aware of the amazing resources we have for you if you are feeling a bit stuck right now. You don’t have to suffer on your own. And if you are unsure where to get help please ask us. You can get in touch here.

Book a therapist - Sometimes you might just need some one to one time with a therapist to really work out what might be holding you back. Go have a look and really you have nothing to lose.

Reboot Your Life - This is a self-guided course that I wrote with the wonderful Leah Larwood. It basically sums up all the coaching exercises that I used when I decided to pivot my whole life.

The Clementine app - We have so many topics in here and I’m still amazed by how much goes unused. The section that I think can make a huge different to many people who are struggling with work is the ‘work section’.

Mindset & Daily Productivity Planner - If you struggle to get stuff done on a daily basis (your to do list never ends) this is for you. And it’s a great way to stick to a daily habit of setting intentions, going a bit slower and practicing gratitude.

Community events - Please, please do join us for either the Collective Hug or the Write it out - quarterly check-in. All free and all super, super supportive and friendly events.


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